Why time doesn’t heal, but doing the inner work does
I’m really sorry to say but you were fed a lie. Time doesn’t heal.
The reason some people believe that time heals is because they get distracted from their own emotional pain, are in denial about it or avoid it completely. Sometimes they live in a society where it is about keeping the ‘stiff upper lip’ and gritting themselves through the difficult times. Other times they use their minds to rationalise the pain in their heart, being dismissive to themselves in the process.
Emotional pain such as grief, anxiety, hurt, sadness and shame stay in the body unless we do the inner work. Even if you think you’re over what happened in the past, it will keep tapping you on the shoulder begging for your attention to listen to it, to show it compassion and to love it into healing.
Doing the work looks a bit like:
💖 Feeling the feels - anger, hurt, sadness, fear, grief, guilt and shame. This can be done through journalling, through movement in the body, exercise, body work (massage, energy healing), crying it out, screaming it out and expressing it through the creative arts (dancing, singing, acting, painting, drawing, sculpting, writing etc) and getting into nature.
💖 Pouring your heart out to a professional such as a life coach or counsellor .
💖 Reframing your mindset and exploring your possible blindspots. Note that this part can only come after feeling the feels - always tend to the heart first.
💖 Taking time out to allow yourself to breathe through the painful emotions (and you’ll need those kick ass boundaries to assert your time too!)
💖 Asking for help from people that you trust and can hold space for you.
When we do the inner work we raise our vibration and open ourselves to better relationships, health, new opportunities and even abundance. We also get better at holding the space for our own painful emotions which reduces the impact on others.
So, what is the part of you that is still calling on you to do the work, that pain you’re trying to avoid? What jumped into your head just now is usually right.
You deserve a happy and fulfilling life. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Time to do the inner work.
Sending big healing love
Renee 💖